The Hamster.

On the windowsill in his bedroom was the trophy. He had won the trophy for being the best student in his class. On the plaque underneath the name, Thomas, had been scribed and it stood proudly to remind him of success. Thomas had a friend, Adam, who was jealous of him and the trophy. Whenever Adam was around he would say to himself, “I wish that trophy was mine!”
One day, Adam called at Thomas’ house, but he wasn’t in. So Adam went upstairs and went in the bedroom, saw the trophy and took it. Now, as it had the name of Thomas on it, Adam knew that he could not ever show it or put it as proudly on display as Thomas had, so he put it in a box.
One day Thomas went way to see Adam. When Thomas arrived at Adam’s home, he noticed a new box in his room. “What’s in the box?” asked Thomas.
“Er, it’s er, it’s my hamster, he died I’m afraid and I was unsure what to do with him, but didn’t want to look at him so placed him in the box.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. What we should do is bury him; give him a special burial,” said Thomas.
So the two boys took the box to the back garden buried it and no more was ever said.

~ Sougen

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